Focus vs Distraction

by | 4 Nov 2014 | Business coaching

So feeling a little refreshed and rested after a few days away on a canal boat with the family, today I’ve been trying to turn my attention back to the backlog of tasks and things I’ve had to put on hold in recent weeks.

And woomph… before I knew it I was straight into distracted overwhelm!

EVERYTHING seems to need my attention – arrangements for kids activities, finance (bills, invoicing, VAT), the garden, washing, emails, blog posts (!), sorting probate and my Mum’s estate, my own diet and health, social invitations from long neglected friends, various bits of home maintenance, missed birthdays, opticians appointments, client calls to rearrange, travel to book, business projects to reignite….

I could go on and on.

Despite my best intentions, and having even spent a little time first thing this morning thinking about what my Most Important Thing to do today is, I’ve ended up jumping around tasks like a skittish kitten, not settling or focusing properly on anything. The noise in my head has been huge, with my calmer, wiser self gently and humorously trying to reason with my panicking perfectionist and critic.

I’m glad to say I think my wiser self is beginning to prevail (or I don’t think I’d be writing this post!!).

The turning point was stopping altogether, stepping outside and deeply breathing in the beautiful autumn air, feeling the sun warm my face and noticing the spectacular autumn colours all around me. The birds are singing, the sky is blue and nothing that needs doing is SO urgent it can’t wait a little longer, having waited all this time.

I can only get there one step at a time. And now I feel more centred again, and can bring my attention fully to what’s in front of me.

Be mindful and back in the moment, attending to each thing in its turn. Phew….


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