After 7 years of full time professional coaching I now really notice the phrases that come up time and time again, that capture the change in perspective or mindset of my client.
Here, in no particular order are the top 20:
- We can’t always control what happens to us, but we can always choose to control how we wish to respond.
- It’s hard to see the full picture when you’re part of it (that’s why we all need a coach!)
- Shift from ‘judgement’ to ‘curiosity’.
- You are a human being, not a human doing.
- It’s not selfish to put your own needs first, you’ll be able to give more to others if you do (think oxygen masks on aeroplanes).
- Step fully into the other persons shoes – see and hear it from their perspective before leaping in with your own.
- Breathe, deeply.
- Replace a habit with a habit, and anchor it to something that already happens everyday.
- Ask yourself at the start of each day, or in the face of something hard “how do I want to be”?
- We need the dark, as well as the light.
- You have to give up control in order to gain greater control.
- What we love and hate in others is the shadow, or projection of ourselves.
- The only moment that truly exists is this one right now.
- Our state is made up of our mind, body and emotion – pay attention to all 3.
- We can only truly have responsibility for one person – ourself.
- Know and focus on your strengths – what you have, rather than what you don’t have.
- There’s strength in vulnerability.
- We procrastinate for a reason – listen to what’s underneath.
- It’s not sustainable to be ‘on’ all the time – we too have our seasons.
- The answer is not ‘out there’, you’ll find it when you look within.
Which one is your favourite?