Introversion and leadership

Discover practical strategies to be at your best, and the confidence to be your natural self

Introversion and Leadership - Rachel Anderson

About The Book

This book is aimed at leaders who identify themselves as having a preference for introversion and who may worry that it is a disadvantage with the expectations that often accompany a leadership role.

The book would also be of interest to those who coach, manage or support introverted leaders.

 What are the big questions answered?

What is introversion anyway?

Can I still be a highly effective, impactful leader without pretending to be more extroverted than I really feel?

What strengths can I leverage as an introverted leader?

How can I feel comfortable and confident with my natural leadership style?

What strategies can I use to overcome the challenges I face in the workplace as an introvert?

“Introversion and Leadership” busts some myths and misconceptions about what it means to have an introverted preference.

It offers practical strategies, tips and advice – from fellow introverted leaders – on how to play to your natural strengths and lead with impact and confidence.

What you will learn

How to manage your energy

Using your natural introvert strengths to lead others

Leveraging your strengths

And many more tips from fellow introverted leaders

Tips for public speaking and presentations

Successful networking and socialising

Common myths and misconceptions

Chapter 2.
What is Introversion?

2.1 What do introverted leaders look like?

Claire is a Head of PR. She shares an office with two other people. She regularly chairs meetings and addresses conferences. Her days are stacked with appointments and regular interruptions from her team. Every day when she gets home, she’s grateful to pour herself a glass of wine, put on some music or pick up a book, and unwind.

Peter is the MD of a global coaching business. He manages a large team and a number of corporate client accounts. He has a desk in the studio, but often works from home, where he gets his best work done.

Lori is a photographer and runs her own business. She spends her days and evenings with clients in busy spaces: outdoors, at festivals or at music gigs, liaising with them about what they want and making it happen. She makes sure she schedules in a couple of days per week to get her paperwork sorted and re-charge.

All of these people are introverted leaders. Others include Barack Obama and JK Rowling. There is no single template for an effective introverted leader, or any restrictions to what they accomplish.



This little book can make a BIG difference. You’ll wish EVERYONE knew and understood what’s inside.

About the author.

About Rachel Anderson

Rachel Anderson left her first career as a forester, growing trees, to pursue her fascination with how people grow instead. 

She became an international executive coach, supporting over 1000 leaders 1:1, then stepped back into a corporate leadership role as European Head of Coaching & Facilitation for a global consultancy to see if she could practice what she preached.

She could. 

And she realised how much behaviour in the corporate world is still driven by deep, often subconscious fears of inadequacy and even shame. Especially for those of us facing unconscious or unconscious bias.

Rachel dreams of the possibilities of a world where more of us truly know that we are enough; a world with less shame and fear and more acceptance and kindness. 

So she went back to her own company Tea & Empathy to provoke and hold space for incredible leaders as they learn to know they are TRULY enough; relaxed and grounded just being their own natural self. 

It’s a joyful journey of radical self-acceptance and personal growth. 

She’s a social introvert, playful kickboxer, mum to 3 daughters…and Rachel still likes trees.”

Stationery & Gifts

Tean and empathy-Ruled & Unruly

Ruled & Unruly (with lined numbered pages)

tea and empathy- Ruly and Unruly

Plain Notebook

dreams and schemes cover

Dreams & Schemes (with plain, numbered pages)