Nourishment for your journey

Embark on a journey of self discovery with our personal development online resource hub.

A quiet, self-reflective space where you’ll find curated and tested resources to meet you where you’re at.

Starting at £10 a month


The Heart of Growth

Come and browse, learn and grow!

With all the personal development resources available at your fingertips nowadays, it can be overwhelming to find what you need.

Wouldn’t it be reassuring if you knew you had the right tools and resources to meet you where you’re at?

That you didn’t have to do it all alone?

That’s exactly what The Heart of Growth online resource hub is for.

Come on in and make yourself at home. This quiet, self-reflective space is always here for you. You can return again and again.

You may embark on a private journey of self-discovery, using the resources contained in this space (and we’re constantly adding new ones, too).

Wherever you are right now, there will be something for you here.

Personal development resources to meet you where you’re at


The Heart of Growth offers you a variety of resources to help you on your personal development journey, so you can experience some of the benefits of 1:1 coaching at a much affordable price, including:

Short audios

Mini courses




Practical exercises

…and much more!

These are tried and tested resources that top leadership and personal coach Rachel Anderson has gathered over 13 years and after working with over 1000 people 1:1.

All resources are personally collected, curated and created by Rachel, with the principles of radical self-acceptance in mind.

As a Heart of Growth member you’ll also get access to the Tea & Empathy Community on Facebook, where you can ask questions and connect with other people on a similar journey.

The Heart of Growth masterclasses + resources

Modules organised by topic


In the Heart of Growth you’ll find 15 modules you can mix and match to create your own personal development experience.

And the best part, we’re constantly adding new resources!

The main 12 modules are organised by topic to make it easier for you to navigate and find the right support:

Self-Knowledge & Personal Growth

Deepen the relationship you have with yourself, and gain new insights from your inner-self while staying grounded.


Learn how you can set meaningful boundaries and hold them with more ease.

Managing Energy & State

Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed or drained of energy, you’ll find resources to help you calm your mind, re-energise and manage stress.

Vulnerability, Shame & Self-Acceptance

Embrace yourself with more ease, so you can go through life (and make any changes you want) from a place that allows more playfulness and enjoyment.

Mindset & Perspective

Sometimes we get stuck into our own way of seeing things, but these tools will help you bring in a fresh perspective.


A collection of curated and created resources to help people understand what introversion is and how to play their strengths (there are many myths and misunderstandings).


Explore the science behind happiness. You’ll find practical insights aimed to help you live a happier life and feel great!

Understanding Change

Despite our best intentions we often struggle to follow through on making the changes we want. These resources will help you succeed with the changes you want to make.

Navigating Relationships with Others

There is so much we cannot control when it comes to other people… But there are also things we can do to improve our relationships.

Adult Human Development

Explore these resources for a light introduction to a fascinating ‘map’ to help us understand our unfolding self better.

Systemic Development

In order to achieve profound, long-lasting change, it is essential to shift the way we think about current systems.

Climate Crisis

Our individual wellbeing goes in direct correlation with our environmental and collective wellbeing.

+ two bonus modules:

"How to Change and Make it Stick" mini course

A mini, interactive course taking you through a practical process to help you make lasting change.

The Heart of Growth Masterclass recordings

A collection of +20 masterclasses hosted by Rachel on different topics.

Take a peek at some of the resources you'll find inside


“Rachel provides a thought provoking, grounded, well researched, rich space full of the most incredible resources in Heart of Growth. Having had the privilege to attend several of Rachel’s masterclasses live, it is wonderful to have a full set of recordings here to review and explore. This is an incredible resource to use as thought provoking prompts for client work and a space to explore on my personal journey. The structure of Heart of Growth provides an easy to navigate framework with some reassuring guiderails AND a sense of freedom to explore and go wherever your energy or needs take you.”

Sarah Smith

“I am delighted to have access to Rachel’s resource hub. It is a gem. I liken it to my own personal friendly resource library, full of encouraging insiders tips for sustained hardy growth. Whilst I regularly deal with issues, feelings, behaviours and circumstances often they come back round, albeit at another level of exploration, to enable me to unravel them at a new layer of depth and understanding. This is where the Heart of Growth is invaluable in providing timely, easily accessible resources I can tap into this, to gain another level of insight that I wasn’t either able to access previously, or was quite simply beyond my previous awareness. I often find myself saying ‘ah yes now I get it’. I hope this encourages you to join and that you truly benefit through discovering for yourself.”

Veronica Roberts

“I first met Rachel through BTS coach and was deeply impressed by her insight and compassionate coaching. I am now part of her Heart of Growth resource hub. Rachel brings a calm and wisdom to coaching conversations that allows you to breath and grow. I would highly recommend her as a coach. You will be in extremely experienced and safe hands.”

Karen Muir

Who am I?


I’m Rachel Anderson, the creator of Tea & Empathy.

When I first became a professional coach, back in 2007, I used to say I wanted to help people to grow. But I now know that wasn’t true.

What was closer to the truth was I wanted to grow. Helping others was what intuitively I knew would be the catalyst to my own growth, by seeing myself reflected in all my clients.

I also used to focus on who I wanted to be. No longer. Now I know, if I’m to change and grow, it’s who I am right now that holds the juice; exploring my light and shadows – a deep inner transformative journey of radical self acceptance.

I discovered when I stopped trying to change and fully noticed, appreciated, accepted myself in this moment – ahh, then the glorious paradox – then I couldn’t help but grow!

Rachel Anderson

And coaching, traditional coaching, just doesn’t hack it in this space, magical as it can be. No, as we grow, we need something that accesses our entire neurology and all our senses. We need to access the cognitive, the emotional, the physical, the spiritual, the sensual. We need metaphor and dreaming, art and sound, poetry and movement.

In The Heart of Growth I’m sharing personal development resources that have helped me in all the stages of my journey. One stage is not better than another – they are simply different, and need different support around them.

In this space, there will be nourishment for wherever you are, I can meet you where you are at.

Adult human development is fascinating…allow me to help you explore?

It's only £10 a month with the yearly subscription of £120

Or £12 a month with the monthly subscription

The Heart of Growth

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the price of The Heart of Growth include VAT?

Yes, both pricing options for The Heart of Growth resource hub include VAT. You can choose between a yearly subscription or a monthly subscription, after which you’ll get immediate access to all the resources.

Which payment option is best for me?

If you want to try out The Heart of Growth before committing for a longer period of time or don’t think you’ll need it for more than a few months, we recommend the monthly subscription of £12.

However, to get the most value out of The Heart of Growth we recommend the yearly subscription of £120. These are resources you can always come back to, and we’re constantly creating & uploading new ones too.

How will I know which resources to use?

The Heart of Growth modules are structured by topic to encourage you to find the most suitable resources based on where you’re at in your personal development journey.

There’s a lot in it, so we don’t recommend going through the modules one by one! Rather take some time to get familiarised with the content and look at which topics interest you the most or need help with at the moment.

If you need more guidance or support you can always ask in our Tea & Empathy community, which all Heart of Growth members get access to, or book an orientation call with Rachel.

Is The Heart of Growth an alternative to coaching?

No, The Heart of Growth is great if you’re looking for ‘lighter’ support or as a complement to coaching. It is intended to make personal development more accessible for everyone. However, keep in mind it does not substitute the personal support and depth of 1:1 coaching.

Any more questions?

Send an email to [email protected] and we’ll answer to you as soon as possible.

Looking for something else?

Here are other ways you can work with Tea & Empathy:

The Alive Programme
What's Inside
1:1 Coaching

A gorgeous, online, self-led, interactive and multi-media programme takes you on a development journey over 11 wisdom packed modules. Go from burn out, to loving life and liking yourself once more.

A magical monthly subscription box….that’s SO much more than a box. If you’re ready to take your journey to radical self-acceptance to the next level using all your senses, What’s Inside is for you.

More than ‘just’ life coaching; a safe space where you can bring the real you in all the complexity if life. 1:1 support for those who are ready to ditch the quick fixes, and embark on a deep transformational journey of radical self-acceptance.