Be Careful What You Wish For…

by | 11 Feb 2016 | Business news, Change

My last blog post was entitled ‘Stop the World!’ as I was feeling some overwhelm with all the things I was busy trying to do.

I got my wish, but not in a good way; only 3 days after publishing that post my Father-in-Law died following some unexpected post-operative complications. He’d been fit and well up to the operation, and indeed looked to be recovering well, so it came as a shock to us all.

The death of someone close puts everything into sharp focus and gives clarity and perspective to cut through the trivia of our lives.

Of course, all the things I was juggling before I’ve dropped or put on hold while I support by husband, his two brothers, my mother-in-law, and my 3 daughters who were very close to their Grandpa.

As it’s still only 15 months since the death of my own mother, I’m still up to speed with all the bureaucracy that death unfortunately triggers – at a time when you feel least equipped to deal with it, so I’m thankful I’ve been able to ease the family’s navigation of those tricky waters. In the face of grief, some of the things I’d been stressing about before now seem laughable, and I’m heartened to find, once again, that beneath the sorrow we are sound, loving, supportive – able to live well and joyfully knowing our hearts connect us.

So I make no apology for missing my blog post last week, or for this one being late, or for it being short!

Normal service will resume when we’re ready; when we’ve honoured our grief and are able to step back into the maelstrom of life with gratitude, love and appreciation for all that we have when we live with our eyes,ears and hearts fully open.




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