6 Principles You Can Draw On When You're Under Pressure

by | 24 May 2016 | Happiness

I’m exhausted right now. I’ve had a really intensive week both professionally and personally.

None of it has been ‘bad’, just full on and challenging, requiring a lot of emotional, physical and cognitive energy.

And being an introvert, I’ve not yet had the replenishing space I need to get back to being at my best. It feels like wave after wave of demands and expectations, but I know it will pass, and although very, very tired I’m also pleased that for the most part I feel I’ve been able to ride the waves, rather than being overwhelmed by them.

The centred-ness and balance I’ve been able to hold on to I attribute to having stayed rooted in the BASICS:

B – Body. I’ve tried to look after the physical basics and see to them first – nutritious food, lots of water, breathing deep and slow, moving and getting enough sleep. It’s not been perfect, but for the most part I’ve made small choices which have kept the physical fundamentals a priority.

A – Attention. I’ve looked for what’s working and why – I’ve given my attention to what I have and built on it, rather than fret about what I don’t have and I’ve given attention to the things that matter most to me first.

S – Strengths. I’ve remembered who I am at my best and what I do well and applied those to the situation in hand, asking “how can my strengths help me with this challenge?”

I – Intuition. I’ve listened carefully to it and trusted it, even when I’ve had to go against the prevailing view to do so (one instance this last week stands out above all other where it felt a real risk to follow my intuition, but I’m SO glad I did – perhaps a story for another time…)

C – Curiosity. I’ve stayed playful and curious with “what if” rather than “why”. Not only has this helped me keep a sense of humour, perspective and possibility, but it has enabled others to feel safe enough to do the same.

S – Support. I’ve reached out and asked for what I need from other people. I’ve tried to make whatever physical environment I’m in be as supportive to my needs as possible, and I’ve been working on developing systems that support, enable and simplify.

As I say, it’s not (and I’ve not) been perfect, but I’ve been reassured by my resilience and beneath the tiredness I know I’m still strong.

What are you rooted in? What helps you stay anchored in the face of a storm? Let me know!


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