Getting Out Of My Mind To Find Happiness

by | 5 Jul 2016 | Business coaching, Happiness

My heart sank at the thought of writing a blog post today.

Normally I love it as a reflective exercise for myself – articulating the themes that have been emerging for me over the week; what I’ve noticed, what I’ve learned, how I want to be moving forward.

But today my mind was a blank and instead I felt irritation towards myself, almost “What, not you again, I’m sick of the sound of your voice – I don’t want to sit and listen as you unpack your thinking!”

It’s a sure sign that I’ve been over-thinking and over-feeling.

Even my dreams have been busy, full of significant metaphors and restlessness. I particularly hate not being able to ‘rest’ when I’m asleep!

So today I’m going to keep it short, because to get back to being more at my best I want to ‘get out of my mind’; and instead focus on the tangible, the real, the physical.

As soon as this is written I’m going off outside to move my body, feel the wind and sunshine on my skin, smell the air, stretch and flex, hear the birds.

I’m off to think less and simply ‘be’ more


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