Ready to feel ALIVE again?

Free yourself with this gorgeous online course, packed with practical wisdom

This online, self-led, interactive and multi-media programme takes you on a development & self-acceptance journey over 11 wisdom packed modules.

Stop feeling stuck, flat, lost, out of balance, tired and frustrated

And instead feel ALIVE.

The Alive Programme

You will gain more:

Appreciation and acceptance of yourself and your strengths;

Love of life and enjoyment day to day, and feel renewed and replenished;

Insight into what’s been holding you back and how to overcome those barriers;

Vision and clarity about what’s most important to you and how to rebalance your life;

Exercises and practical tools you can use over and over to meet everyday challenges with resilience and a greater sense of well-being.

Time to feel alive

Sooo many people find themselves just simply existing and feeling lost and directionless.

So, I’ve distilled my learnings over my 13+ years as a coach, and combined them with the latest thinking and research in neurobiology, psychology and wellbeing.

I believe with the right support, we all have the capability to be a fuller, better version of ourselves.

And massively increase our positive impact on those around us, our communities and indeed the world.

You are more than you know – work through this programme to find out how.

Rachel Anderson coach

About the programme

The ALIVE programme will help you gain a deep understanding of yourself, reconnect with what’s truly important to you and give you practical tools to achieve clarity, focus and a renewed zest for life.

It isn’t a gimmicky superficial ‘quick fix’; it’s been deliberately paced to encourage you to take time and reflect on your answers, enabling deeper shifts in perspective.

Being part of the ALIVE programme you’ll also get access to our exclusive Tea & Empathy Community on Facebook, where you can ask questions, get support and connect with other people who are on a similar journey.

Carefully paced modules Bit sized lessos with a mix of text, audio and video Exercises & questions to reflect on

The ALIVE Programme modules include:

About your coaching

An introduction to using a virtual, self-guided coaching package and some hints on how to get the best out of it.

About you now

Take a step back to see the bigger picture of the areas you give the most time, energy and attention to; understand what’s contributing to how you feel now.

Where you'd like to be

Thought provoking questions and tools to help you get a clear picture of how you’d like life, and yourself, to be.

What's Important

Rediscover the values that guide your life. Understand where and why conflicts arise, and why we sometimes end up losing sight of the very things that motivate us and make us the most happy.

Your strengths

We can spend so much time focusing on what we’re not good at, or not doing, that we lose sight of what we do really well. If values are the fuel for the journey, our strengths are the vehicle we have available to travel in!

What's holding you back

Time to discover and unravel the decisions and beliefs you’ve made about yourself that have been limiting your options and holding you back.

Emotional Resilience

We can’t always control what happens to us, but we can learn how to control how we wish to respond. This module will give you practical techniques for dealing with all that life can throw at you.

Other people

We can’t control them either! Now you’ve learned how to transform your relationship with yourself, you’ll be abe to apply it to transform your relationships with those around you too.

Making it happen

Your commitment to yourself, techniques and tips, experimentation and play, handling procrastination, reflection, adjustment and practice.

Other resources

Links, articles, and videos that build on what we’ve covered.

Have a sneak peak – this is the introductory video


“Very supportive, with the right pace and able to make a step by step development. A real path of self-discovery supported by a “non-judging” eye, highlighting the small improvement achieved step by step thus motivating me during the process.”

Paola Cucchi

“Personal and Professional transformation with a clear understanding of who I am, clear vision of what I can be, and a milestone based pragmatic development plan to realize my vision.”

Keith M, Snr Director

“I truly believe I have learnt so much from the programme – completed a lot of personal soul searching and learnt a lot about myself – how I operate, react and function and have made changes that have been of great benefit both in work and my personal life.”

Helen D, General Manager

“[The Alive Programme] has retaught me the importance of work-life balance and I’m much calmer and re-energised as a result.”

Jo H

 “The learnings have given me a more balanced approach to everything I do each day and have really made me understand and appreciate the influence I can make to the success of how I manage my business.”

Robert Mutch

“Rachel Helped me to see what was important to me and that those things could be applied to different areas of my life. I’m in a better position to understand my own needs and what I need in terms of balance in my life. Thank you!”

Sarah T

 “Being a better leader starts by better understand myself. I found out about my personal engine, motivation and passion which I was not fully aware before. This is helping me now to be better at developing people around me.”

Jean Baptiste Rubens

“The value for me has been around stepping out of the hectic day job to re-evaluate my approach and how I can better work with the business to challenge its ways of working and decision making.  It’s given me more insight into what I bring to the table and how I can utilise this strength more effectively.”

Kate Mills

“The coaching programme and Rachel in particular have given me the confidence and self-belief in my abilities.”

Judith Pearce

Who am I?


I’m Rachel Anderson and I’ll be your virtual coach through The ALIVE Programme.

I want to share with you what I’ve learned over the last 13 years about how to live a life that’s happier, more fulfilling and successful – not only from working with hundreds of coaching clients, but also from my own journey.

You see, on the outside I appeared to have it all – good job, happy marriage, lovely kids, great house.

But inside I was a mess of doubt, guilt, shame and unhappiness. I knew the problem lay within me; I was frustrated and I seemed powerless to change.

Procrastination, lack of discipline, lack of energy and just too much else to do – running around seeing to everyone else’s needs and never having time to see to myself.

My book shelves were groaning under the weight of all the self-help books (‘shelf-help’ more like!)

Today, I’m glad to say, it’s very different.

About Rachel

I love my life; I had the courage to make a huge direction shift in my career (from growing trees to growing people – but that’s a story for another day!), built a successful business and ‘integrated life’ so I’m there for my growing family, as well as finding time for my own wellbeing and personal growth.

I’m able to contribute and give back, actively supporting charities like Action for Happiness and being a host family for Friends of Chernobyl’s Children.

I feel successful and at peace with myself (even if my sneaky inner critic and perfectionist still make occasional appearances).

I’ve been able to face significant personal challenges with resilience, humour and perspective.

I know what I want, I know who I am, I’m clear and focussed about the future whilst enjoying every moment of the present.

And I want that for you too.

It's only £96

Life’s too short and precious to waste any more time simply existing.

Time to feel ALIVE

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the price of the programme include VAT?

Yes, the price of The ALIVE Programme including VAT is £96. It is a one-time payment, after which you’ll get immediate access to the programme.

Does this programme include 1-1 coaching?

No, this is a self-led programme. However, you have the possibility to add 1-1 coaching with Rachel as an extra during checkout, if you want additional support throughout the programme.

How long does it take to complete the programme?

The ALIVE Programme is completely self-paced. We recommend going through each module at a steady pace to allow time for reflection and consideration, and complete them in the order they are presented to you. The questions and exercises will get your mind working both consciously and unconsciously, and often it’s in the space in between the modules that you’ll start to make new connections, links and realisations.

How will I be kept accountable?

Although this is a self-led programme, to help with the accountability and to make it more like working directly with a coach, each form you submit will be sent to Rachel too. She won’t be able to respond, but it helps her see how you’re progressing through the course. Whatever you enter is entirely confidential, as it would be in an in-person coaching relationship; only you and Rachel will know what you’ve written.

When purchasing The Alive Programme you’ll also get access to our Tea & Empathy Community group on Facebook, where you can ask questions and connect with other people on their personal development journey.

Any more questions?

Send an email to [email protected] and we’ll answer to you as soon as possible.

Looking for something else?

Here are other ways you can work with Tea & Empathy:

The Heart of Growth online resource hub
What's Inside
1:1 Coaching

Looking for a little extra support in your journey? Join our personal development resource hub membership where you’ll find a full library of resources on different topics to meet you where you’re at, from happiness to managing energy.

A magical monthly subscription box….that’s SO much more than a box. If you’re ready to take your journey to radical self-acceptance to the next level using all your senses, What’s Inside is for you.

More than ‘just’ life coaching; a safe space where you can bring the real you in all the complexity if life. 1:1 support for those who are ready to ditch the quick fixes, and embark on a deep transformational journey of radical self-acceptance.