Ready to feel ALIVE again?
Free yourself with this gorgeous online course, packed with practical wisdom
This online, self-led, interactive and multi-media programme takes you on a development & self-acceptance journey over 11 wisdom packed modules.
Stop feeling stuck, flat, lost, out of balance, tired and frustrated
And instead feel ALIVE.

ALIVE is a self-led online programme which will guide your journey to radical self-acceptance by:
A – Acknowledging where you’re at right now.
L – Leaning into your strengths to discover what makes you truly unique.
I – Inviting clarity about what needs to change.
V – Visualising your future of radical self-acceptance.
E – Embracing your inner resilience to find balance and feel ALIVE.
Our greatest suffering comes when we aren’t being true to our values.
The ALIVE programme supports you in redressing the balance, helping highlight what matters most and bringing a sense of internal peace. With this, you can step forward into life replenished and ready to take on everyday challenges with calm and clarity.
You’re already gloriously complete; the ALIVE programme will teach you how to embrace it.

By completing the ALIVE programme you’ll:

Rediscover who you really are and how you’d like your life to look.

Envisage the life you want to live, and take practical and actionable steps to get there.

Recognise your strengths and reframe the things holding you back.

Increase your emotional resilience and improve your ability to deal with all the things life throws at you.

Understand what you can and can’t control, learning to let go of the things keeping you stuck.

Gather together tools and techniques to employ whenever you need a helping hand.
Lisa took the ALIVE programme when she felt stuck in a cycle of emotional fragility. Although she was a successful professional, she kept responding to triggers in her everyday life in the same way, unable to step away from events to see what was really going on.
After a particularly stressful week, Lisa came across Rachel and the ALIVE programme on a LinkedIn post. She wasn’t in a position to invest in a 1:1 life coaching relationship, but wanted to do something to invoke positive change. Tea & Empathy seemed like a great fit – radical self-acceptance felt like something she wanted, if only she could face the things impacting her self-esteem. She knew that by accepting herself, the low-level aggravations in her life would become more manageable.
After working through the interactive course materials, Lisa said:
“I was having a tough time adjusting to some changes at home and used the ALIVE programme to help me dig into what was causing me to feel so unbalanced. I uncovered some behaviours and triggers which, with Rachel’s help, I could reframe. Doing this gave me a sense of calm and ease that I’d been lacking in this particular scenario, and allowed me to step away from the deeply ingrained blocks and biases in my own mind, into a more peaceful existence.
I’ll keep the tools and techniques from this course close to hand. I know they’ll help ground me in times of stress and discomfort.”
Packed with practical wisdom, this interactive online course will gently guide you towards what truly matters. You’ll learn to apply proven techniques to different areas of your life, finding balance and clarity and rediscovering your zest for life.
Across 10 modules, you’ll spend time investing in your wellbeing through videos, reflective journaling activities and useful resources. You’ll work through the course as if Rachel is right by your side, encouraging you to think about what you want from life and the steps you need to take to get there. You can even add 1:1 coaching with Rachel at the checkout if you’d like to go even deeper and increase your accountability (great for serial procrastinators!)
The course is self-led, so you can take as long as you need to engage fully with each area (many people choose to work through one module each week). We recommend taking breaks between each section, and reflecting on the work you’ve done before moving on to each new module. Your mind will be working consciously and unconsciously, and it’s often the spaces between where you see the most personal growth and make the strongest realisations. Take your time, and take it steady.

You’ll commit to yourself and your growth throughout the course, emerging more equipped to cope with daily stressors and events.
You can complete the exercises within the platform, or in a notebook (view our range of Tea & Empathy notebooks) – whichever feels right for you.
You can upload your answers to the platform – this is completely confidential and you won’t be given any feedback – it’s simply to offer a sense of achievement and accountability.
For a single payment of £96, you’ll get immediate access to the course materials so you can login and get started right away.
You’ll also be invited to subscribe to our Substack where you can keep up to date with Tea & Empathy and chat with others on their personal development journeys. For more on how to use Substack, click here.
What The Course Looks Like
You’ll work through these modules:

Overview & Getting The Most From Your Programme
An introduction to the course and some information about using virtual materials.

About You Now
Understand what’s contributing to how you feel now by diving into each area of your life and recognising where your energy is currently being directed.

Where You'd Like To Be
Visualise what your life could look like by adopting the principles of radical self-acceptance. What does a good life look like to you?

What's Important
Rediscover the values guiding you through life, the fuel that keeps you moving. Understand where and why conflicts arise, and why you sometimes lose sight of the very things that motivate you and bring you joy.

Your Strengths
If values are the fuel for the journey, your strengths are the vehicle you use to get to your destination. Reveal the things you’re great at, and how to use them more!

What's Holding You Back
Unravel the decisions and beliefs deep in your consciousness keeping you stuck and feeling limited. Remove the roadblocks to make your journey smoother.

Emotional Resilience
You can’t always control what happens to you, but you can control how you respond. You’ll learn practical techniques for dealing with whatever life throws your way, strengthening your emotional resilience.

Other People
You’ll learn to navigate the impact others can have on you and your wellbeing, transforming the relationship you have with yourself. This, in turn, will positively impact those around you.

Making It Happen
You’ll make a commitment to yourself and your self-development, harnessing experimentation and play to make life fun and enjoyable again. With practical tips to handle procrastination, reflection and adjustment.

Other Resources And Making Sense Of The Journey
Links, articles, and videos that build on all you’ve learned, bringing everything together to take with you into your life of radical self-acceptance.
I’m Rachel Anderson and I’ll be your virtual coach through The ALIVE Programme.
I want to share with you what I’ve learned over the last 17 years about how to live a life that’s happier, more fulfilling and successful – not only from working with hundreds of coaching clients, but also from my own journey.
You see, on the outside I appeared to have it all – good job, happy marriage, lovely kids, great house.
But inside I was a mess of doubt, guilt, shame and unhappiness. I knew the problem lay within me; I was frustrated and I seemed powerless to change.
Procrastination, lack of discipline, lack of energy and just too much else to do – running around seeing to everyone else’s needs and never having time to see to myself.
My book shelves were groaning under the weight of all the self-help books (‘shelf-help’ more like!)
Today, I’m glad to say, it’s very different.

I love my life; I had the courage to make a huge direction shift in my career (from growing trees to growing people – but that’s a story for another day!), built a successful business and ‘integrated life’ so I’m there for my growing family, as well as finding time for my own wellbeing and personal growth.
I’m able to contribute and give back, actively supporting charities like Women’s Aid and previously being a host family for Friends of Chernobyl’s Children.
I feel successful and at peace with myself (even if my sneaky inner critic and perfectionist still make occasional appearances).
I’ve been able to face significant personal challenges with resilience, humour and perspective.
I know what I want, I know who I am, I’m clear and focussed about the future whilst enjoying every moment of the present.
And I want that for you too.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does the price of the programme include VAT?
Yes, the price of The ALIVE Programme including VAT is £96. It is a one-time payment, after which you’ll get immediate access to the programme.
Does this programme include 1-1 coaching?
No, this is a self-led programme. However, you have the possibility to add 1-1 coaching with Rachel as an extra during checkout, if you want additional support throughout the programme.
How long does it take to complete the programme?
The ALIVE Programme is completely self-paced. We recommend going through each module at a steady pace to allow time for reflection and consideration, and complete them in the order they are presented to you. The questions and exercises will get your mind working both consciously and unconsciously, and often it’s in the space in between the modules that you’ll start to make new connections, links and realisations.
How will I be kept accountable?
Although this is a self-led programme, to help with the accountability and to make it more like working directly with a coach, each form you submit will be sent to Rachel too. She won’t be able to respond, but it helps her see how you’re progressing through the course. Whatever you enter is entirely confidential, as it would be in an in-person coaching relationship; only you and Rachel will know what you’ve written.
If you have any other questions, contact me at [email protected] and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.